Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Do not despise...

Have you ever wondered why your life or steps have been ordered in such a way? Ever wondered why you feel you are in constant service to others, your life is under pressure and feel your life lacks substance? Every prayer you pray you believe isn't being answered, because if it were, why haven't your cirucmstances changed?

I battle with this too...I sometimes question why the Lord has me in this state currently.  As I sat down to speak with Him this morning I realised that his promised 'peace that surpasses all understanding' is currently with me. If you knew the trials, tribulations, pressures and issues in my life...you like I, would be wondering, how am I still standing? And all I can say it is by His Grace and Mercy.

In the natural, without our Daddy to lean on, I believe life would come along and beat us left, right and centre! But in these seasons we must stand on his word! Truly, unbelivably press into Him through the storms of life; these are designed to bring us closer to Him not to push us away. You have to remember that if He's brought you to it, he will also bring you through it.

On entering His word this morning my Bible opened up to preparatrion scriptures! We are told not to despise small beginnings; in the wanting to pass through all these tests and dry seasons, we could miss out on the lessons intended for us to learn!

Exodus 3:1
'One day Moses was tending the flock of his Father-in-Law, Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock into the wilderness and came to Sinai, the mountain of God'

The revelation I caught from this was so timely that I just had to share. As we go about life and question God why am I in this season, I am more than this and all I do is serve others, why do you have me doing this? We forget that menial preparation will always lead you back to God - meaning it will always keep you humble!  Before Moses became Leader of the Israelites I can imagine it was a raher lonely season for Moses, tending to the flock day in, day out, without a Word from God. But in this season of 'dryness' the Lord was teaching Moses lessons of faithfulness and general lessons that he had to  learn first, before becoming a leader.

He had to learn about the ways of people  he would be leading and also about life in the wilderness, for this is where he would spend 40years of his life! God was preparing him in this small things, making him ready for the Big things! I can assume in this season however, that there were many things God had to wean from Moses before he moved him to this next level and he certainly had to keep Him Humble.

Moses is a fine example of being faithful and humble in the things of God, for in 1 Corinthians 10:31 we are told that 'In everything we do, do it to God'. So it doesn't matter what people say, as long as you know why you are doing what you are doing, do it with a smile, knowing that there are things God must teach you in your humble beginnings, for your next level is so big, He loves you enough to prepare you for it! Just like us though, Moses was unable to appreciate this lesson, but God was getting him ready for the biggest assignment of his life!

Notice anything here, did God not do the SAME thing with David - soon to be King David? David was told he would become King, on recieving this Word he was then told to return to tending the sheep UNTIL the Lord was ready to send him to his next level.

Do not despise the small beginnings! Be faithful in the small things, so you will be faithful in the big! Remember He is not a Man that he should lie and every promise that sits in the bible, is for us to reach out and grab!

Obedience is better than sacrifice, stay in your lane!

God loves you!

EML xx

Saturday, 21 July 2012

It's been a while...

Yes...it has been a while, and a lot has happened in this time!

I completed university, started a new blog confessionsofaselfpityparty.blogspot.co.uk (please check it out) and I've had a few personal seasons in my life come to an end...

Just thought I'd update today, to let my readers know that I will be blogging in this blog space again, so today is the start...

Please wait for a new post, coming soon.

EML xx

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Everyday is a new day...for a new start with God

Have you ever had that hunger, that thirst and no matter what you do, until you get the food that you need there's nothing that can satisfy it, not even a glass of water?

That's how I've been feeling recently on my walk with God! To be honest I know I've been dipping my toe into such a huge sea of peace and joy that he has for me, but I chose to blame the demands of life! You know, that one line that everyone say 'there's just not enough time in the day'...'I just don't have enough time'. WRONG!

We are all given, by God's grace, 24 hours a day and 7days a week in which we are able to fulfill our purpose on a daily basis! So why are we complaining about the lack of time, I ask myself? And it falls down into that one word that we all hate DISCIPLINE!

Discipline as a woman of God is one of the upmost important aspects of your life, as it shows that you can glorify the Father in all that you do.1 Corinthians 10:31 clearly states 'So in whatever you do, do it to the glory of God'.

How can we glorify him without discipline? Without discipline comes turmoil and lack of direction. As women we are emotional, however we are able to discipline those emotions by following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
By sitting in his presence these past few days, He has shown me that if I Psalm 37: 'Be still and know that he is God' for all of 30 seconds, what he places on my spirit within those 30 seconds makes a path for me for that entire day! If I take that time out, knowing that my day cannot be started without him (that's discipline Ladies), victory, peace, joy and laughter is my portion for the day!

When I am 'unable' to place those first few moments of my day with him, I can promise you emotional chaos, fear, anxiety and sheer shambles is my day! For I now know that as a woman of the Most High he is my husband, my friend, my confidant and the moulder of my entire being!

Recently I've started reading A Woman who Reflects the Heart of Jesus by Theresa George, her book has begun to show me the true model of A Woman after God's Own Heart, and discipline is one of the key messages. As I said earlier, without discipline we are unable to glorify him. Discipline in places such as our mouth, our appetite, our walk and our life in general can really be achieved, but only by the leading of the Holy Spirit and a willingness and desire to leave an orderly life. It's important that we pray for the discipline and ask the Lord to help us with any areas where we are not disciplined for 'the truth shall set you free'.

As a woman, when you truly begin to know the source of your existence, the creator of every hair on your head, fingers and toes, just like the longing for food that we have in order to function, in order to be the best woman we can be, we must go back to the place where it all started and feed on his nourishing yet never failing love.

Stay blessed,

EML xx

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

First Post of 2012...

Well where do I start with the first post of the year...between now and my last post a lot has happened, however everything has always worked out for my good.

I feel today's post may take the direction of this blog slightly off course, but please bare with me for I'm being led by the Holy Spirit.

Today something quite poignant happened which led me to understand that in every aspect of life there is an element of competition; who will get the best grades, who will get the best Graduate job etc, but do we as humans truly have to apply that to every aspect of our lives? As I sat and pondered on that question it saddened me to think that his 'wordly' outlook is also applied to our relationships with people, siblings and whoever else may cross our paths.

Feelings of resentment can rise up in us when we feel we are left out in the cold, as someone takes a move forward in life; however we need to see it that the lack of openess is a door being opened to pride; and pride leads to many other deadly sins such as envy. To keep things close to your chest is never wrong,  as not every single thing we do in life needs to be aired to all those who feel they have a right to know. Nobody has a right to know every move you make, for you are a single entity in your own right, however if pride steps in and that's the reason for our 'secrecy' then we need to get to the root cause.

A little competition is healthy, but us women, we are the ball bearers, if not creators of competition! We compete with the men in our lives, feeling there is a constant need to let them know we don't need them i.e. they don't phone us so we don't phone them simply because we have been led to believe 'we don't need them' or anyone else for that matter, which is such a shame for in the bible it says 'No man is an island'. As women we compete in our friendships, with women on the road, especially if they are wearing the same items as us or seem to have a better relationship then us. Why can't we be happy for every body's current seasons? We compete with women who show interest in our men, sometimes we even compete with their Mothers. Its not a good look ladies and I know for sure that I stop this today! I ask the Lord to loose me of these spirits that do not meet up to His standards and stop feeling as if I need to adhere to the worlds standards of me.

I can say I feel in my spirit the Proverbs 31 woman did not suffer from such fleshy ways, as her works were always wise and to bless others. She focused on her purpose, her roles but always kept herself open and lacked in nothing.

As women may we act as virtuous women, walk non-threatened by anothers presence and guard your heart from such ways. May we open our doors to the needy and poor without feeling that we must keep all at a distance in case they happen to mess up our pretty little worlds.

I thank God for this revelation before I hit 24 in 13 weeks time, for I may be 24 in years but the Lord's wisdom surpasses even my own understanding.

Stay blessed.

EML xxx

P.S. Today the Lord caught my attention with Proverbs 14:4 'Without an oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest'. It confused me and my lack of understanding had to be put to bed, so I texted my Pastor in order to gain some understanding. As I've been typing this blog to you, I've spoken with her and her understanding has been as simple as this 'Without our participation in life, things will not happen the way we necessarily hope for, therefore if we want things to happen we must particpate in order to get the expected result'. We must depend on God and hook our faith onto his for only he can give us the strength of an Ox. Like the clean Ox, if we go through life without any trials or tribulations we will not gain any strength as we have no experience to fall back on; but from these we will rise up on eagles wings, with the strength of an Ox. We must take the first step and continue steadfast for the Lord will order our steps.

Such a word in season. Apologies for the lack of structure but I had to share the revelations of today with you.