Imagine this, you became a C.E.O
overnight? I mean, no hard work, no degree needed, no prior experience and
certainly without having to climb the corporate ladder. No application
process, no interview, no waiting in anxiousness until you find out the
outcome; the position literally just fell in your lap. Even more excitingly,
what if I told you, you can create a brand without having to raise capital, no
business plan needed, and it only depended on your internal analysis.
Ladies, YOU ARE THE BRAND and you
ARE the C.E.O of your own life.
[1]A chief
executive officer (CEO)
is the highest-ranking corporate officer
(executive) or administrator in charge of total
management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a
corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to the board of directors.
Okay, so let’s break down the definition above!
Highest Ranking – it means you are the top in your life, an elevated
level to which people must step-up to. Tell the grown boy to step up or step out!
In charge of total management - You have the power to determine
what comes in and what comes out. You have total management of your being;
spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally.
Report to the board of directors
– Your board/director is GOD! No more and no less. He is the One of whom you
live your life through & for, give your life to, reverently & fearfully
obey. He is the one who will determine your footsteps; He knows your every
thought, He knows your end before your beginning & just like a Board of
Directors, He has a lot of experience in this thing called ‘life’ and won’t let
you invest yourself or time in something or someone who He knows won’t reap the
correct dividends. He’s a purposeful living God and understands that life is
‘but a vapour’, so why let us waste time not pursuing our purpose or having
those people in our lives that are more a liability than an asset.
Now with that broken down, let’s
get into the realness of this revelation. As a young 24 year old woman, I have
been through the mill & back and I genuinely prayed that someone had told
me the information above before I went out into this world & tried to make
things work my way, but I also thank God for the opportunity for being able to come
to this realisation; better late than never right?! Through my life experience,
or test should I say, God was faithful to turn it into my testimony & then
transform it into ministry. It is now a passion of mine that every
woman I come into contact with understands her purpose, why she was created
and how precious she is in the sight
of God. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but in His word it says:
Genesis 2:18 ‘Now the Lord
God said, It is not good
(sufficient, satisfactory) that man should be alone; I will make him a helper
meet (suitable, adapted, complementary)
for him.’ (AMP)
According the the
definition is as follows:
adapted - changed
in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose;
1. flexible, variable, versatile, resilient, easy-going, changeable, modifiable, conformable They are adaptable foragers that can survive on a wide
range of foods.
com·ple·men·ta·ry adj.
1. Forming or serving as a complement; completing.
2. Supplying mutual needs or offsetting mutual lacks.
NOTE: the word adapted – not adaptable! To be ‘adapted’ means you
are already suited to the environment; already made perfect to fit perfectly to
your purpose! That’s the point of your process!
‘Adaptable’ means you are agile,
able to be flexible to any ‘Adam’! NO – you are created ‘adapted’ perfectly to
your Adam! So you don’t have to wake him up! Hallelujah! Pressure off; you can
go about this life, active in your wait upon your Adam! Isn’t that so cool?
Once Adam had given names to all
the livestock, it is written in Genesis 19-20 that there was STILL not found a suitable & adaptable help meet for him. So the other revelation I catch from
this that your Adam, at this very moment in time may be in a relationship, even
unsaved, out in the world sowing his wild oats! But believe me when I tell you,
at the right time, God will bring him across your path and who knows sis? You
may even end up being a catalyst for change! PRAISE GOD RIGHT NOW!
Genesis 2:21 -23 ‘And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon
Adam; and WHILE he slept, He took one of his ribs or part of his side and
closed up the [place with] flesh. And the rib or part of the side which the
Lord God had taken from man He built up and made into a woman,
and He
brought her to the man. Then Adam said ‘this [creature] is now bone of
my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken
OUT of a man.’
The scripture above explains the
process to how Adam met Eve. There was NO her asking him, or anything!
Literally, she was going about her business with the big boss man (God) and
along her way she was introduced (at the right time) to Her ADAM! Basically,
you WILL meet him at the right time.
Now don’t get me wrong, I have
made many mistakes in my life! Manipulated in order to wake up the person who I
thought was ‘the one’ and trust me for a while it worked. Things worked
perfectly for the first 4 years – the last two were the worst 2years of my LIFE
(so far), we were having fun, all things were working together for my/our good
until things got boring. He was pleasing me, I was pleasing him and everything
was going perfectly! We would hang out, watch movies, go on dates, get it in
etc. You see, I’m not saying that when your saved your relationship won’t go
through dry seasons, but when you are dating somebody the worlds way, once you’ve
done all you can do – I mean ALL you can do with (and to) each other, what
else is left? A big fat pot of NOTHING!
That’s where discontentment sets
in and you begin to believe the lie that the grass is greener! Honey,
the grass ain’t greener nowhere else! So stay in your lane, water
THAT grass and surely you will begin to reap what you are sowing and
So back to being the brand of
your own life! There are 3 things as a single woman that must be in order
BEFORE that next relationship in your life comes together! Your brain, your body & your purpose. I believe it is so
IMPERATIVE that as a woman you know who you are, what you were created to be, where
your life is going and looking good, because God forbid you don’t know these 3
core elements, some little boy (no matter how grown he thinks he is) will come
in and try and set these elements for you. He’ll place a title on you ‘my
woman’ and that’s all you’ll be. Then he’ll start playing with your body and
you’ll become his ‘baby-momma’ and again that’s all you’ll be! But WHO
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